domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

Tired of being beated by cellulite?

Dimples are adorable on your favorite 2-year-old but not so nice scattered across your own thighs. While you might be able to hide your cellulite under long pants and skirts during colder weather, you (and your couple) know it’s there—because it's there in every ocasion you are naked. As the thermometer creeps up, it becomes nearly impossible to cover up those bumps, lumps, and dimples. What can you do about reducing it?

First, you should understand a few basic facts about fat. Cellulite is the word used to describe lumpy fat deposits frequently found on the lower body. A study found that about 70% of women sport dimples and ripples—you might even have lots of friends also struggling with cellulite!. It doesn’t just affect larger women either; slimmer women live with the unsightly fat as well.

Although your genetic code does play a role in whether you’ll be battling the bulges, Father Time is another cellulite-maker culprit. As you get old, the epidermis gets thiner and less expandable, this causes cellulite to appear even worse.

Let's see some usual questions about struggling with cellulite and its answers:

Is plastic surgery the only solution to end with cellulite?

Of course not!. The most common medical cellulite treatment, liposuction, sucks out the underlying fat but does not tighten your skin—if you have't got the money for another operation, then you will have to deal with that. One drawback is the cost. Almost all insurance plans consider liposuction as a cosmetic procedure and, as a result, won’t cover the bill.That means you’ll likely end up paying for it. And, like other surgeries, liposuction carries risks such as infection, blood clots, and embolisms. Plastic surgery may be the answer for some, but there are certainly safer ways for getting rid of cellulite

About anti-cellulite creams

From magazine ads to internet banners, you’re probably often subjected to anti-cellulite cream ads. You might be tempted to ask how effective these potions are at getting rid of cellulite.

Some of these creams have caffeine in its ingredients. The theory behind caffeine therapy is that it stimulates the way the body metabolizes fat and increases circulation while decreasing skin swelling. While there’s no question that a caffeine-laden espresso will give you a mid-afternoon boost, there’s no scientific evidence that applying the stimulant topically will destroy those dastardly dimples.

What’s the final word on anti-cellulite creams? There’s simply no scientific proof that they actualy do they job work. They can also put quite a dent in your pocketbook— especially true of fancy department store brands.

Doing exercises is going to help?

We all know the benefits of exercise—it burns calories, increases muscle strength, creates flexibility, and builds endurance. So why doesn’t your routine seem to do a thing for getting rid of cellulite? It’s likely your normal workout isn’t targeting the proper muscles—the ones that will create the skin you’re looking for. If your leg lifts aren’t getting rid of your cellulite, it’s time to find a new routine.

What should I search for in a cellulite-busting exercise program?

It's not a lie that most of us would be content to pop a truly effective cellulite-zapping pill, but the fact is that the science just isn’t there yet. If you’re ready—really ready—to show off smoother, more youthful skin, it's the moment to take action and find a cheap and safe way to beat cellulite!.

The best way to stop cellulite is to find a program that really works. It should emphasize working the proper muscles. With the proper form and techniques, these muscles become more firm, smoothing out those embarrassing ripples.

You don’t need to live with the shame of cottage-cheese thighs anymore. There are some effective and safe anti-cellulite exercise programs that can smooth out those hips and legs and give you smoother and cuter skin that you’ll want to touch—and you’ll be proud to have a loved one touch, too.

Take in consideration that there also other skin afections that can also be overcomed with exercise!